In its 100+ year history, many strange occurrences have been reported at the Chapman Branch. Join us in an investigation to uncover the Chapman Branch ghosts!
On Friday, October 14, at 5:30pm, teens and adults will have the chance to learn about ghost hunting from Advanced Paranormal Services, then join an investigation to try to uncover Chapman's ghosts. Attendees can also enter a drawing to win ghost hunting tools. Will an eerie apparition reveal itself? Will books go bump in the night? We'll find out on this hair-raising October evening! Registration is required.
EVENT TYPE: | Fun & Games |
Considered to be one of the finest Carnegie Libraries in the West, this 8,900 square foot library has two levels. Since its opening in 1918, it has been an important part of city services to Westside residents. The Chapman Branch was completely renovated, including an updated HVAC, following the collapse of the roof during 1993. A major remodel of the basement level meeting space in 2002 resulted in a much improved children's area and expanded service and collection space for adults on the ground level. A small meeting room is available for public use, and free wi-fi access is provided throughout the library. Street parking is available to the south of the building, and an external book drop is located on the east side of the building for returning library materials after hours.